
Schwingen, also known as Swiss wrestling, is one of Switzerland’s national sports.  Join us as we learn about Schwingen, chocolate and everything else Swiss as American expats in Geneva.   This blog chronicles our adjustment to our new lives abroad, our wonderful experiences and our continued efforts not make complete idiots of ourselves.  To make the most of our adventure, we often travel in and outside of Switzerland.  We also try to experience as much local culture as possible.  Please feel free to contact us via email at spartansams@gmail.com.

30 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello, Spartansams!
    We are big UK fans vacationing in Geneva this weekend. Want to catch UK /Baylor game on Sunday. Is there anyplace in town where we could watch game?

    P.s. we were pulling for State over the Cards, too!

  2. “…adjustment to our new lives abroad, our wonderful experiences and our continued efforts not make complete idiots of ourselves.” You just hit living abroad right on the head! I’m loving reading about your lives in the land of cheese and chocolate. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed, too!

  3. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed, which allowed me to discover you, although I live just down the road from you in Geneva. Hope you enjoy your stay here and all your travels. I am certainly enjoying your blog!

  4. hey! wonderful blog 😀
    I’m actually travelling to Zurich this summer so would love to know what one can do and I strongly believe that I’ve struck gold by checking out te freshly pressed today 😀

  5. Hey there! Because I truly love reading your blog and checking out your inspiring pictures, I’ve nominated you for the Lovely Blog Award. Check out my blog for more information!

  6. Hello, I have really enjoyed getting to peek into your expat life in Geneva and I would like to pass along my nomination for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thanks for such an interesting blog and great photos!

  7. Am staying in Le Vaud. Does anyone know if it’s possible to visit Fort L’Ecluse by public transport please?

    • I think you could take the train to Bellegarde, France, take a connecting one to a closer town and hike up. We enjoyed the hiking around there although I wouldn’t recommend the trails when the snow is melting or after a few days of rain. It is so close to the border that you might be able to connect up with a nearby Suisse Tourisme Pedestre.

  8. I am so glad that I’ve stumbled across your blog! I think it shall be very informative.

    How receptive did you find people were to you being American? I myself am embarking on a indefinitely ending journey to Europe, and have been trying to lose my American tendencies!

    • I’ve found it more important to be interested and open than to be a particular nationality. Best of luck!

  9. Hey, I just found this blog, but I am excited to check it out! I spent a few days in Geneve (heh) during my winter travels and it is awesome. I haven’t been able to eat yogurt since I came back, none of it compares to the Swiss!

  10. I was very excited to discover your blog! I lived in Geneva for nine months and am now currently living as an expat in France. I’m looking forward to reading your posts and wish you all the best!

  11. Hi there! I’m glad I came across your blog. My fiancé has just moved to Zurich for a temporary internship position. He’s a French expat, I suppose. He’s learning new things everyday and sharing them with me. I’ll have to refer him to your blog as well. I appreciate blogs like yours, as I love to update mine on French culture. I love culture!

    Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  12. I had to do a translation recently about Schwingen (which is how I found you). I love this -> “This blog chronicles our adjustment to our new lives abroad, our wonderful experiences and our continued efforts not make complete idiots of ourselves.” As an English girl living in Germany, I can relate to trying not to look like a complete idiot 😉 Looking forward to reading more of the blog.

  13. So glad I found this blog! I moved to Zurich a month ago and will be here another 11 months. It’s a bit different being on the German side, but I do work for a French family! Looking forward to reading more.

  14. hello! love your blog! i will be in switzerland in two weeks and really want to do the camel excursion you wrote about. I will be flying out of Geneva, how far is the excursion located from Geneva and what is the best way to get there? Thank you!

  15. Great job! I’m actually doing exactly the same in my blog but as an Spanish girl in the USA. It’s fun to be able to share your thoughts on your new destination with others that might be in the same situation or just with people looking for tips on their future trips and moving plans 🙂 Keep on the great work!


  16. What an interesting site. My fantasy is to one day be an expat but meanwhile I’ll have to be satisfied with visiting places like The Scandinavia House here in NYC that I just blogged about and reading blogs like yours.


  17. I am so happy that I found this blog! I literally just moved to Berne, Switzerland from North Carolina yesterday and am so excited to see that theres more like me and my family, its honestly really comforting!

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